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JoAnn Shannon

On a quick Google search, I learned that growing old gracefully is a euphemism for “showing signs of aging but still moving forward with life.” In addition, I found some helpful advice on how to achieve this.

The 7 holistic tips to graceful aging include: Live in the moment; forgive yourself; find humor; stay curious; be flexible; meditate; be grateful.

Frankly, it sounds like a lot of work. Possibly, I may skip all that and follow the rules to senior living as demonstrated by my pony, Joey.

  1. Don’t change. If you have always lunged at things that get into your personal space, continue to do so.

  2. Don’t exert yourself unnecessarily. Maintain a slow tempo and pick up speed only when it’s something you want to do.

  3. Be brave. Except when someone has the audacity to take you into the woods on a nature put a quick end to that trip, spook readily and often.

  4. Bite the hand that feeds you. It reminds people that you are hungry, and besides, fingers look like carrots.

  5. Get plenty of rest. It’s okay to fake being asleep when someone approaches with a saddle, especially if they suggest a trail ride (refer to rule #3).

  6. Don’t worry about weight gain. It’s natural, and so is letting out a bit of gas.

  7. Find your inner child. Spin around in the wash rack to avoid getting your face wet.

  8. Practice non-compliance. If you’re in a muddy paddock, and you hear your name being called, don’t approach the gate. Make them come to you.

  9. Be impatient. Don’t ever stand still at the mounting block! You never know how much time you have left.

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