Since 1977, Equus has offered the most accurate information available to horse lovers who wish to give their animals the best care.
Equus kicks off their winter issue with a Pop Quiz:
Which of the following can contribute to winter weight loss in horses?
a) increased metabolic activity
b) dental problems
c) change in routine
d) all of the above
See end of blog for answer.

Did you know a common cause of colic in winter is dehydration?
The "Winter Waterworks" article, by Christine Barakat with Melina Freckleton, DVM, contains tips to ensure your horse drinks enough water:
Access to unfrozen water – use insulated buckets or tank heaters.
Offer warmer water frequently – studies have shown horses drink more when offered hotter water than ambient.
Make a mash – add hot water to grains (and or bran) to make a warm, tasty treat.

Karen Elizabeth Baril’s article explains how various types of lighting can affect horse health, behavior and performance.
The circadian rhythm, associated with the 24-hour cycle of night and day, plays an important role in the behavior of mammals and birds.
Circadian rhythms affect every cell in the horse’s body. Annually, their bodies respond physiologically to seasonal changes in light. (Think of the shedding you notice as the winter days grow longer).
Tips for circadian rhythm-friendly equine management include:
Maximize hours of turnout time
Minimalize interruptions of darkness at night
Install red lights in barns for night use
Add programmable barn lights that provide gradual light and dark transitions
Align feeding schedules with natural grazing patterns
Answer to Pop Quiz is: d) all of the above