After observing horses interact with birds, I’m convinced that horses intuitively know the common traits between humans and birds.
Birds and Humans are bipedal – we both evolved from four-footed ancestors
Birds and Humans are intelligent – compared to reptiles, amphibians or fish
Birds and Humans form complex social groups – with communication and family values
To learn more, check out this cool website, Amazing Life.Bio

Perhaps horses don’t startle at the rattling bugle calls of Sandhill Cranes because it’s reminiscent of our own grating voices.
Maybe horses are undisturbed by the abrupt and unpredictable flight of Barn Swallows because they know birds share a primitive, reptile-like ancestor with humans.

Is the connection between birds and humans the reason why our horses were reluctant to frighten a Piping Plover and tiptoed around her sandy nest of camouflaged eggs for 25 days? And is it why when the newly hatched chicks ran around the outdoor ring, the horses took care not to step on them?