According to the Welcome Wildlife website, there are an estimate of seventeen million flies in the world – per person! Since there are considerably less horses in the world than humans (60 million versus 7.9 billion), that’s about a zillion flies per horse.
Some of us wish flies could be banished from the planet. Not only are they a nuisance, but they also may carry diseases. But flies are of primary importance in pollination. Entomologist, Brian Lessard says, “…if we lived in a world without flies, our streets and parks would be full of dead animals, rotting leaves and logs and nasty surprises left by dogs.” Good grief!

Horses are often tormented by flies. Unfortunately, those same horses will not tolerate being doused in fly spray. I’ve seen riders resort to all kinds of techniques to protect their horses. Spraying a cloth then wiping the horse down, bribing with treats, and then the ultimate way to say "I love you," protective gear.

They say a horse’s body is so sensitive it can feel when a single fly lands on its hide.
If that’s true, then why doesn’t Captain feel my heel pressing into his side to get into the corner?
And what about yesterday when I tried to move him over and off my foot? He didn’t feel that either I suppose.