The dictionary describes an enabler as “a person or thing that makes something possible.”
Without a doubt, my sister, Cindy, enables me to ride horses.

A certified Yoga and Pilates instructor, Cindy has attempted to cajole my body into healthy alignment. She researches techniques to help me improve my posture and balance on the horse.
When I fell off a few years ago and tore the rotator cup in my shoulder, the doctor told me I should prepare for surgery. But Cindy coordinated a supplementary program that, along with my weekly physio, relieved the pain and inflammation. The doctor, impressed with my progress, gave me a cortisone shot and sent me on my way. No surgery required.

Last winter, Joey went through a difficult spell. At the barn, we held our breaths and prayed.
Later, I placed a tearful call to Cindy. She began giving Joey remote Reiki treatments. Whether it was the vibrational energy force or the velocity of our prayers, Joey was restored to good health.

There wasn’t always sisterly love between Cindy and me. We struggled with the usual childhood issues of jealousy, annoyance, and intolerance. As the eldest, I was determined to lead the way. But instead, Cindy followed her own paths.
Now, we are united because of our similarities, and we have learned to appreciate and celebrate our differences. When I fall to the ground like Humpy Dumpty, it is Cindy who puts me back together again.
You’re too sweet! Always you’re my inspiration! Right back at you sis